Clare Govt TD Pledges Support For “Squeezed Middle” As Budget 2025 Brought Forward

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Clare’s Fianna Fáil TD believes the government will call an Autumn general election, despite insistence from a senior party colleague that the coalition will run its full term.

It comes as Minister for Finance Jack Chambers has also confirmed Budget 2025 will be delivered a week early on October 1st.

If the 33rd Dáil term runs its full term until next February, voters from this county will have to go to the poles twice as a by-election will have to be held by January to fill the seat soon to be vacated by Clare MEP elect Michael McNamara.



Meelick Deputy Cathal Crowe has been telling Clare FM’s Daragh Dolan that he still anticipates an early election and insists the government must support struggling businesses and the squeezed middle in the upcoming budget.

Listen to the full interview here