Clare Green Senator Expects O’Gorman To Be More “Strategic” Party Leader

Photo (c) The Green Party

Clare’s Green senator says she expects Roderic O’Gorman to be a more “strategic” party leader than his predecessor.

The Minister for Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth has been confirmed as the new leader of the Green Party – having received 984 votes from the party’s electorate compared to 912 for Senator Pippa Hackett.

The role of deputy leader will be put to a vote at a party hustings on Saturday when Clare Senator Róisín Garvey, Dublin Central TD Neasa Hourigan and Dún Laoghaire TD Ossian Smyth will battle it out for the position.


Inagh Senator Garvey predicts Minister O’Gorman will take a more active role in shaping policy than Eamon Ryan did while at the helm.

You can listen to the full interview here: