
Clare Property Prices On The Increase

Property prices in Clare are on the up.

New figures show the price of a typical home here is increasing by around 1,000 euro per month.

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The CSO reports that the average price for a house sold in Clare in April was €147,654.

This is six-and-a-half thousand euro more than six months ago, October of last year.

These figures also look at property prices in different Eircode areas.

In the Ennis area, which covers much of the county and includes all homes whose eircodes start V95, average prices have risen by over 9,000 euro to nearly 153,000 euro.

Home values in the V15 Kilrush area are up over 8,000 euro to 122 thousand, though there was a fall in value of nearly 5,000 euro in homes sold in the V14 Shannon district when compared with the properties sold there last October.

Prices are also on the up in the Galway and Limerick Eircode areas, which include parts of North and East Clare respectively.

44 million euro worth of homes were sold in Clare in the first four months of the year, and 59 of the 340 buyers making these purchases were first-time buyers.
