Clare Records Marginal Baby Boom At Beginning Of The Year


Clare’s birth rate has seen an increase for the first time in a year.

The Central Statistics Office Vital Statistic’s Report for the first quarter of 2023 shows that over 300 births were recorded in this county between January and March.

A total of 308 births were recorded in Clare in the first quarter of this year.

The figure represents just a marginal 3% increase on the 298 births registered here between October and December last.

However the activity in the first three months of 2023, is notably the first time the county’s birth rate increased in the last twelve months.

The average age of mothers in Clare who gave birth between January and March was 34, falling to 32 for first time mothers, while just 3 births were attributed to mothers aged 20 and under.

Additionally for the first time since June of 2021 baby girls are outnumbering baby boys in the banner, with 57% of births in during this timeframe registered as female.

During the same period , Clare County Council were notified of 289 deaths.

This means despite the relatively low birth rate recorded here during the first quarter of 2023 , Clare registered a natural increase of 7% .