
Clare Rents Rise By 10% In Past Year – RTB

Clare rents have risen by more than ten percent in the past year.

New figures from the Residential Tenancies Board show renters in this county were paying an average of 947 euro a month at the end of March.

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The growth in rental prices in the Banner between March 2021 and March of this year was more than a percent above the national average rise.

At the end of quarter one last year, average rents in Clare stood at €858 – they’ve grown by 89 euro in twelve months.

However, that growth appears to have stalled in more recent times, with average prices going up by just 3 euro between January and March this year.

Clare is one of only five counties within the provinces of Munster and Leinster to now have average rents below the €1,000 mark.

It’s perhaps the number of new rental tenancies in Clare that stands out the most in the RTB’s latest report – they’ve dropped by more than a third in the past year.

Only eight counties have had greater falls of new tenancy availability in the same timeframe.

Meanwhile, new figures from housing charity Threshold show they’ve worked with 94 households in Clare between April and June of this year.

They say nine households – including 16 children and 13 adults – have been prevented from entering homelessness in this county as a result.
