Clare Residents Receive Personal Injuries Pay-Outs


County Clare had the seventh highest number of personal injuries awards in the country the first half of this year.

Figures from reveal a total of 4.5 million euro was awarded to Clare claimants as part of a national pay out of 118 million euro – up 8.3% on last year.

The Injuries Board makes statutory personal injury awards in respect of motor, employer and public liability accidents.

In County Clare, €4.5m compensation was awarded in respect of 135 accident claims during the first half of 2013.

The average pay-out in Clare was €33,519 and accounted for 2.55% of all awards made by the Board, meaning Clare had the seventh highest number of awards per head of population

The injuries board says a higher volume of motor claims contributed to this year’s increase nationally.

Road traffic accidents account for the majority of personal injury claims and represented over three-quarters of awards.

16.4% of awards were for accidents in public places, 8.1% related to workplace accidents.