Concern Over Future Of Rapid Response Ambulance Service In Clare


Concerns have emerged over the future of the rapid response ambulance service in Clare.

The National Ambulance Service has confirmed that a review of the service in Clare and North Tipperary is now underway, which has sparked fears that it may be discontinued.

The National Ambulance service has confirmed that as part of a continuous assessment aimed at improving patient care, a review of the rapid reposnse ambulance service in Clare and Tipperary is underway.

The review has sparked fears that the service could be discontinued in Clare but a spokesman for the HSE says no decision will be made until all aspects of the Mid West review are finalised.

Kilrush Independent Councillor Ian Lynch says any decision to cut back the service would have serious consequnces.

Clare's Fianna Fail TD has described the potential culling of ambulance services as an attack on the people of this county.

Deputy Timmy Dooley believes rapid response vehicles have saved hundreds of lives here, and thinks the services need to enhanced rather than curtailed.

Meanwhile, the Irish Nurses and Midwives Organisation has expressed hope that the region's main hospital will benefit from capital investments expected to be announced in tomorrow's budget.

Health Minister Simon Harris visited University Hospital Limerick on Friday, where he toured the hospital's routinely-overcrowded Emergency Department.

Hospital management and nursing representatives have both cited a lack of bed capacity as a major issue.

The INMO's Liam Doran believes massive investment is needed.