€221 Million Spent On Pandemic Employment Supports In Clare In 2020


221 million euro was spent on providing pandemic employment supports in Clare in 2020.

New figures from the Department of Social Protection show more than half of this money was spent on the Pandemic Unemployment Payment.


125 million euro was spent in this county alone last year on the PUP.

A further 59.4 million was spent of the Temporary Wage Subsidy Scheme, with more than 37 million euro going towards the full Employment Wage Subsidy Scheme.

It’s part of an 8.8 billion euro package recorded by the Department, around five billion in total of which was spent on the PUP last year.

More than 19.500 people in total availed of the PUP in this county last year, with over 25,000 availing of some form of wage subsidy initiative.

The average amount of money given in supports by the State to those availing of the payments in Clare was over €7,400.

The majority of people here were on the PUP for six months or less, with more than 2,000 availing of it for between 1 and 5 weeks only.

1,199 Clare people though were in receipt of the support for 41 weeks – the remainder of the year from after COVID-19 hit.