Clare’s Oireachtas Members Urged To Reverse Ministerial Directive Preventing Residential Zoning Of Lands

Photo (c) Clare County Council

Clare’s Oireachtas members have been urged to do whatever’s necessary to reverse a ministerial directive preventing lands in the county from being designated for residential use.

It comes one month after Minister of State at the Department of Housing Kieran O’Donnell issued a directive ordering the local authority to rezone twenty subject lands previously earmarked for residential use.

At last evening’s meeting of Clare County Council, Fianna Fáil veteran PJ Kelly called on the county’s four TDs and three senators to lay out their plan which would ensure that Minister O’Donnell would reverse his decision and thereby undo the potential damage to the county and its people.



Lissycasey Councillor Kelly says Clare’s elected Oireachtas representatives must block the Minister’s amendments to prevent rural collapse in the county.

Listen to the full interview here