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Over €2 Billion In Funding For ULHG Since 2019

The UL Hospitals Group operated on a budget of more than €2.3 billion over the past five years.

New HSE figures show the funding allocated to the MidWest Region’s six hospitals increased by over 40% since 2019.

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The UL Hospitals Group has operated with an average budget of €467,585,445 for the past five years.

The funding for services at Ennis General Hospital , University Hospital Limerick, Nenagh General Hospital, St. John’s Hospital, Croom Orthopaedic and Limerick Maternity Hospital peaked at over €530m last year.

This marks a 43% increase on the over €370m allocated for the hospital group in 2019.

The UL Hospitals Group currently has one Emergency Department in its portfolio at University Hospital Limerick that serves a population of 410,000 people, while the Maternity Hospital is equipped with a six-bed emergency unit.

The Saolta Hospitals Group on the other hand which serves a population of roughly 830,000 and has five Emergency Departments located at Galway University Hospital, Letterkenny University Hospital, Mayo University Hospital, Sligo University Hospital and at Portiuncula received over €1.1B in funding in 2023 alone.

The Saolta Hospital Group has received just over €4.1bn in funding since 2019, while in the same timeframe the UL Hospitals Group has been allocated €2.3bn.
