Education Minister Hopeful Strike Action Can Be Avoided


The Education Minister says strike action by teachers is not necessary and can be avoided.

Schools face the threat of closure in two week's time, after the ASTI voted for idustrial action.

But the union's Clare's representative insists that strike action will be a last option.

Senior members of the Association of Secondary Teachers of Ireland are meeting today to discuss the results of a ballot of around 13,500 teachers.

They voted overwhelmingly in favour of industrial action, with one issue being supervision, and the second being the lower pay rate for teachers who qualified after 2011.

The ASTI's Clare representative insists that teacher's haven't made the decision to embark on industrial action lightly and that it comes following several years of meetings with the Department of Education on the issue.

Peter Quinn, who's also a teacher at St Flannan's College in Ennis, says teachers are very angry:

The union is due to announce the type of action they'll take this afternoon – but if, as expected, they withdraw from supervision duties, hundreds of schools face closure unless additional staff can be garda vetted and hired in time.

Minister Richard Bruton says the dispute will have to be solved thorough dialogue eventually