Ennis LEA Records County’s Highest Natural Population Increase in 2021

Picture (c) SeppH from Pixabay via Canva.com

Newly released figures identify the Ennis Local Electoral Area as the region with the highest natural increase in population in Clare in 2021

That’s according to the Births and Deaths at Local Electoral Areas 2021 released by the Central Statistics Office this week.

399 births were registered to mothers in the Ennis Local Electoral Area during 2021, while just 222 deaths were recorded there in the same timeframe.



This shows there were almost 79% more people born in the county town than passed away during the year.

Shannon recorded the next highest natural increase of Clare LEA’s seeing 112 more births than deaths in 2021, a natural increase of 57%.

Kilrush was the LEA with the lowest recorded natural increase, witnessing 20 more births than deaths in 2021, representing a rise of just 9%.

The Ennistymon and Killaloe LEA’s meanwhile recorded natural increases of 29 and 83 people respectively.

Overall, 1,369 people were born in this county in 2021 while 948 people passed away.

This means 421 more people were born in Clare in 2021 than died, a natural increase of 44%.