No show scheduled

Ennis Protest Over Council Grants Letters

Dozens of students are set to decend on Clare County Council offices in Ennis this afternoon to vent their anger over the local authority request for proof of household charge payment before they process grant applications.

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Members of the Union of Students of Ireland from NUIG, GMIT LIT and UL will protest at Aras Contae an Chlair calling on the local authority to reverse its decision.

The council has stated the Household Charge funds  services such as the processing of grants locally  and its council policy to ensure those who benifit from local authorities services pay the 100 euro tax as required by law.

The Education Minister has backed the council’s move but the Fianna Fail Leader believes its possibily illegal while anti household campaigners have branded it as a veiled threat.

However Local Fine Gael Councillor Johnny Flynn- who believes the Household charge must be paid – also says the grant is means tested and can’t be withheld.
