Former Ennis Mayors issue separate apologies


Two former Ennis Mayors have offered apologies to a meeting of Ennis Town Council over separate remarks they made regarding a Council official and a well known local businessman.

Independent Councillor Frankie Neylon expressed his apologies to a Senior Environmental Engineer with Clare County Council regarding his coal business, while Councillor Michael Guilfoyle said he regretted offence caused to Ennis Shop owner Oliver Moylan last year.

Frankie Neylon apologised "unreservedly" to Clare County Council Executive Engineer Robert Burns over what he described as the "offensive, disparaging and unfounded" remarks he directed personally towards him at last months Town Council meeting.

Councillor Neylon, a Coal Merchant by trade, also apologised to his fellow councillors for "bringing his personal business into the council chamber" and said he withdrew allegations he made regarding the way in which Mr Burns conducted his job concerning solid fuel regulations, namely the ban on smoky coal in Ennis, adding the engineer has carried out his duties in an "honest, impartial and diligent" manner.

Separately, Councillor Michael Guilfoyle said he had made remarks at a meeting regarding a planning application for a major retail development in Ennis last year which caused offence to Ennis Businessman Oliver Moylan.

He said he never intended to cause such offence and was happy to apologise for it.

Last evening’s meeting of Ennis Town Council was then adjourned as a mark of respect to the late Michael Maloney of McNamara Park, Ennis, a member of the councils’ outdoor staff who died following an illness last week.