Gardai investigate attack on West Clare Family


Gardaí  are preparing a file for the DPP following an attack on a elderly woman and her family at their West Clare home over the weekend.

Its understood the 80-year-old was at home with her middle-aged son and daughter in Kilmurray McMahon on Friday night when three men wearing balaclavas  approached the house at around nine.

They smashed a window and a glass panel door but failed to gain access to premises – and Instead,threatened the occupants with a knife through the smashed window and demanded cash.

A small sum of money was handed over before the three fled the scene leaving the family traumatised by the incident

The alarm was raised quickly and the car the gang was driving was intercepted by gardaí  outside Ennis and the three were taken to Kilrush for questioning.

They have since been released without charge but a file is being prepared for the DPP.