More Gardaí On Sick Leave In Clare Than In Any Other Garda Division

Picture (c): Garda Siochana
Picture (c): Garda Siochana

There are more Gardaí on long-term sick leave in Clare’s Garda Division than in any other division in the country.

Figures released to Fianna Fáil TD Niamh Smyth by the Department of Justice show as of July 1st, there are 880 Garda personnel on sick leave nationwide.

Of these, 492 are recorded as being absent for a period of 28 days or more.


66 Garda members in the Clare/Tipperary Garda Division were marked as absent due to sick leave on July 1st which is the highest number of any Garda division.

The division also has highest number of Gardaí on long-term sick leave with a total of 43 members recorded as absent on sick leave for a period exceeding 28 days.