Gardaí Warn Clare Residents Of Potential Spike In Winter Burglaries

Picture (c): Garda Siochana
Picture (c): Garda Siochana

Clare’s Crime Prevention Officer is warning residents to take necessary steps to prevent winter burglaries.

Garda figures show that traditionally over the winter months, burglaries increase by over 25%, with over 40% occurring between the hours of 5pm and 11pm.

In one fifth of those, entry is gained through an unsecure window or door, while jewellery and cash are the most common articles stolen.

In the past week, there has been two burglaries in the Ennis area in the Acha Bhile and An tSean Dún housing estates.

Sergeant Catriona Holohan, who’s based at the Crime Prevention Office in Ennis is advising people to “Secure all doors and windows.

“Light up your home, use timer switches when out.

“Store keys safely and away from windows & letterboxes.

“Record details of valuables and don’t keep large cash amounts at home.

“Use your alarm, even when you are at home,” Sergeant Holohan concluded.