Government Urged To Tackle Pollution Of Clare’s Lakes And Rivers


The Government is being urged to address the ongoing pollution of Clare’s waterways as a matter of urgency.

It comes as Minister of State Malcolm Noonan has announced the Water Action Plan 2024 which is described as “Ireland’s roadmap to protect and restore our rivers, lakes, estuaries, coastal waters and groundwaters”.

It’s claimed the plan will see an additional 300 waterbodies achieve “good” status by 2027 – with a multi-billion euro investment going towards wastewater infrastructure, action on nitrates as well as a focus on compliance and enforcement.


O’Callaghan’s Mills farmer and Chair of the Irish Creamery and Milk Suppliers Association in Clare, Martin McMahon, believes the county’s lakes and rivers have been neglected by the State for decades.

You can listen to the full interview here: