
HAP Costs On The Increase In Clare

The number of HAP tenancies in Clare is continuing to rise.

New government figures show that Clare County Council is supporting a growing number of families in securing their properties.

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The Housing Assistance Payment, or HAP, is a form of social housing support for people who have a long-term housing need.

Under the scheme, local authorities such as Clare County Council pay landloards directly, with teanants making a contribution towards the cost, and rents generally must be within defined limits.

The latest figures show the Council is supporting 1,362 tenancies, a figure which has increased steadily over recent years.

It’s over 60 more than at the same time last year, a jump which equates to an additional cost of €30,000 each month.

The total outlay in Clare, based on the most recent available statistics, is likely to be over €7.6 million, although this doesn’t take renters’ contributions into account.

Some of this is funded by central government, but the Council’s 2020 budget makes provision for a 50% increase in the cost of operating the HAP scheme, up to €285,000.
