Horse Meat Found In ‘Beef’ Burgers


Horse meat has been found in beef burgers sold widely in Irish supermarkets.  

Horse DNA was discovered during a Food Safety Authority survey on samples of beef products sold in retailers including Tesco, Dunnes, Aldi, Lidl and Iceland.

The FSAI analysed 27 beef burger products and found horse DNA in 10 of them. 

23 of the beef burgers tested positive for pig DNA. 

In most cases, the level of horse DNA was low, however one product on sale in Tesco contained almost 30 percent horse meat relative to beef content.  

The burgers that tested positive for horse DNA came from two Irish processing plants -Silvercrest Foods and Liffey Meats – as well as one English processor.

The FSAI says the presence of horse meat poses no risk to public health, but does raise concerns in relation to labelling.

Aldi has issued a statement to say its removing affected meat products from its shelves.