Clare Rents Now Double What They Were At Their Lowest Point


Clare rents are now more than double what they were at their lowest point.

A new report from property website suggests average rental prices in this county are now €1,087.


Rents in Clare have risen more in percentage terms than any other county in Munster in the past 12 months, with prices having increased by 1.6 percent in the last three months of 2021 alone.’s Rental Price Report for the fourth quarter of 2021 has been released today and shows prices here were on average 15.7% higher in the at the end of last year compared to 12 months prior.

It’s now more expensive to rent a home here than in Limerick County or Kerry, with prices fast approaching Dublin-commuter county levels such as Laois and Offaly.

The average monthly rent for a 3 bedroom semi detached house in this county is now 960 euro, which is a 14 percent rise in a year.

That’s around 30 percent more than the price of a mortgage for a similar property.

A one bedroom apartment set tenants back 728 euro, while a 2 bed apartment is now 831 euro per month.

Supply is once again proving to be a concern, with just 211 homes available to rent in the entire province of Munster at the beginning of October, a drop of 25 on the previous 3 months.