Clare TD Joe Carey Announces Retirement From Politics As Sister Leonora To Seek Nomination For General Election


Clare Fine Gael TD Joe Carey has announced his resignation as a public representative.

Deputy Carey, who has been on sick leave since March of last year, confirmed he will not be a candidate in the next General Election.

In a statement to Clare FM, he says his decision was based on medical advice, Deputy Carey informed Clare Fine Gael party members that he had to put himself, his wife and family first and retire from a job that he loved.

Deputy Carey says “In the past year, I suffered a life-altering medical situation that I will be dealing with for the rest of my time on earth. While I would dearly wish to continue, my decision to step away is based on medical advice.

“I have had the absolute privilege to serve for the past 25years as a public representative, eight as a County Councillor and 17 as a TD. I want to express my sincere thanks to my constituents who elected me to represent them on Clare County Council and in Dáil Éireann on six separate occasions.”

In his letter to party members, Deputy Carey said he wanted to express his gratitude to them for campaigning with him throughout his political career.

“It is hard to believe but 25 years have passed since I was first elected to Clare County Council. It has been the greatest honour and privilege to be elected as a Fine Gael TD for County Clare at four successive General Elections.

“My electoral success would not have been possible without your unwavering support. I also want to sincerely thank the extraordinary people who have worked with me in my office over the years especially Kathleen Fitzpatrick, Paul Bugler and Ger O’Halloran and, more recently, John Stanton and Lorraine O’Meara.

“A big thank you to my election team headed by my Director of Elections, Martin Lynch, and to everybody who canvassed, leaflet dropped, helped in the office, and with postering.”

He also expressed his appreciation to Clare Fine Gael members, local councillors past and present and the general public for their patience and understanding throughout his illness. He paid special tribute to his sister Leonora and brother Donal, the extended Carey family and his wide circle of friends.

“The Fine Gael parliamentary party have been really supportive as have Oireachtas members from all political parties and none. I have been blown away by the messages, cards, texts, mass bouquets and get-well wishes.

“I want to take this opportunity to wish Taoiseach, Simon Harris all the best in the forthcoming General Election. His impact has already been spectacular, and I strongly expect the “Harris Hop” to be firmly enjoyed in County Clare and throughout the Country when the next General Election comes around.”

Joe Carey’s sister, meanwhile, has officially confirmed she’ll be seeking a nomination at the party’s Clare convention to run as a candidate in the next general election.

The Clarecastle woman Leonora Carey, who has served as Chair of the party’s National Executive Council, is hoping to retain the seat held by her brother, since 2007.

Their father, Donal, served as Fine Gael TD for Clare from 1982 to 2002 and Minister of State from 1995 to 1997.

An experienced political strategist at regional and national level, Leonora is currently employed as Occupational Therapist Manager with the University of Limerick Hospitals Group, having previously worked with Milford Care Centre.

In a statement to Clare FM, Leonora Carey says “Although I have held positions at officer level in Clare and Dublin Central for almost 30 years, I am fully aware that there is no greater honour than working on behalf of your neighbours, friends and community as a public representative.”

“The issues facing people in Clare and the Mid-West require a new approach to how politicians can make a real difference to the lives of ordinary people. Over the coming weeks, I will be engaging with party members to give me the opportunity to make that difference.

“If I’m fortunate enough to be selected as a Fine Gael candidate and win election to the Dáil, I will work full time to deliver a better future for the people of Clare,” Ms Carey added.

The Fine Gael selection convention will be held in The West County Hotel, Ennis on Friday night, September 6.