Jury Will Accept Majority Verdicts In Anglo Case


The jury in a conspiracy to defraud trial has been told the court will accept majority verdicts in relation to two former Irish Life & Permanent bankers.

Meanwhile, two former Anglo Irish Bank executives, who were convicted of the same charge on Wednesday, will be sentenced next month.

An enlarged jury of 15 was sworn in to hear this trial back in January. 13 heard all of the evidence, but only 12 were sent out to consider verdicts.

A female juror became unwell last week so the deliberations have continued with just eleven.

Just after 11.40am, Judge Martin Nolan told them the court would accept majority verdicts in relation to Irish Life & Permanent’s former CEO Denis Casey and its former finance director Peter Fitzpatrick.

They’re accused of taking part in a dishonest scheme to mislead the public about the strength of Anglo Irish Bank’s corporate deposits in 2008 through a series of transactions amounting to €7.2bn.

Former Anglo executives Willie McAteer and John Bowe were convicted of the same charge on Wednesday and were back in court this morning.

They were remanded on continuing bail ahead of their sentence hearing on July 25th.