Medical misadventure verdict returned at Savita inquiry


The jury at the Savita Halappanavar inquest has returned a verdict of medical misadventure and has strongly endorsed 9 medical recommendations aimed at preventing similar fatalities in the future.

Central to these is a call for the Medical Council to lay out exactly when doctors can intervene to save the life of a mother.

The 31-year-old died from septicaemia at Galway University Hospital last October 28th following a miscarriage.

Her request for an abortion had been turned down  5 days earlier.

Her husband Praveen is highly critical of the care she received.

"If Savita would know that her life was at risk she would have jumped off the bed and seeked a different hospital" he said.

"We were never told".

"It’s horrendous, it’s barbaric and inhuman the way Savita was treated in that hospital" he added.