Midwest Service Providers Call For Recommendations On Drug Use To Be Implemented During Lifetime Of Current Govt

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Service providers to those suffering drug addiction in Clare say it’s imperitive that recommendations from the Citizen’s Assembly on Drug Use are implemented fully and in the lifetime of this Government.

It follows the publication of the assembly’s final report which contains 36 recommendations, on how to tackle the issue, including a degree of decriminalisation of some drugs for personal use.


The final report of the Citizens’ Assembly on Drugs Use, which has been published this week, calls for a whole Government approach to help stem the increase in drug addiction.

It follows the conclusion of the Assembly’s six meetings last year and the submission of its recommendations to the Oireachtas.

Among the Assembly’s 36 recommendations is the implementation of a decriminalised model, moving towards a health-led response.

A member of the Midwest Drug and Alcohol Taskforce, which provides services to those affected by addiction here in Clare says this will be vital as a justice approach means health needs aren’t met.

Novas’ MidWest Head of Research Policy, Julie McKenna says it’s important not to get bogged down on deciminalisation of drugs and that all 36 recommendations are implented fully.

The onus is now on the Government to implement the recommendations and the Minister with responsibility for the National Drugs Strategy, Hildegarde Naughton has committed to acting on a number of them.

Addiction Counsellor at Cuan Mhuire in Bruree, Michael Guerin says the report provides the best opportunity we’ve ever had in the history of the state for progressive legislation to be written.

He believes it would be a “greivously lost opportunity” if this report doesn’t translate into tangible changes for service users and providers during the lifetime of the current Government.

You can listen to the full interview below.