
Number Of Homeless Adults In Clare Jumps By 11% Last Month

The number of homeless adults in Clare has jumped by 11% in the last month.

In July, 67 adults in the county were in emergency accommodation.

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The latest report from the Department of Housing shows that a total of 374 adults in the MidWest are homeless.

The region – classified as Clare and Limerick in this report – retains the highest level of homelessness per head of the population, bar Dublin.

However, while the numbers accessing emergency accommodation in Limerick dropped last month, they rose in Clare.

67 adults in the Banner were without a home in July, compared to 60 in June.

In Clare County Council’s report for July, it notes that homeless services in the county are dealing with ‘unprecedented demand’ for this time of year.

Between May 19th and June 16th, 196 people reached out to Clare’s Homeless Action Team (CHAT) – an increase of 28% on the numbers who made contact the month prior.

At the end of June, there were 17 families in emergency accommodation in the county – including 33 children.

This is a nearly 70% rise on the 16 children who accessed this accommodation in May.
