
Number Of New Homes Under Construction In Clare Almost Doubles This Year

The number of new homes under construction in Clare so far this year has almost doubled.

Works commenced on 191 homes in the Banner in the first six months of 2022.

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A total of 116 commencement notices have been submitted to the Local Government Management Agency in the first half of 2022.

Commencement notices are submitted on a monthly basis and each details new residential units which will be constructed in that month.

A notice can contain details of multiple new residential units.

From January to June of this year, work started on 191 homes in Clare.

This is an almost 50% jump on the number of homes under construction in the same period five years ago and a 15% jump on 2021.

However, the level of residential construction in Clare makes up just over 1% of the national activity.

Of the 191 dwellings being built in Clare so far this year, more than half are one-off houses, with 108 such builds across the county.

The number of one-off housing in the county is increasing year-on-year with an 18% rise in this type of housing this year compared to the same timeframe in 2021 and a 23% increase on 2021.
