Operation Limelight At Shannon Airport To Raise Awareness Of Female Genital Mutilation

Gardaí are hosting an Operation Limelight Event at Shannon Airport today.

The multi-agency initiative, organised by the National Child Protection Unit at the Garda National Protective Services Bureau, aims to raise awareness about Female Genital Mutilation in Ireland.

Female Genital Mutilation is internationally recognised as a human rights violation of women and girls and became illegal in Ireland in 2012, after the Criminal Justice (Female Genital Mutilation) Act was passed.


The law prohibits the practice and attempts of FGM, and it’s a criminal offense to ask someone to perform it, or to take a girl abroad for the procedure.

Penalties include fines up to €10,000 or imprisonment for up to 14 years.

Operation Limelight, which is taking place at Shannon Airport today, aims to highlight the legal implications and the significant health risks faced by women and girls subjected to Female Genital Mutilation.

Participating agencies include An Garda Síochána and AkiDwa, who provide accompaniment services.

The operation is further supported by the Department of Justice and Tusla, while Garda members from the Garda National Protective Services Bureau and the Clare/Tipperary Garda Division are also actively involved.

As part of the operation, which coincides with the busy Easter holiday period at Shannon Airport, Garda members will be engaging with airport and airline staff.