
Presentations To Clare Homeless Action Team Jumps Significantly In Wake Of Lifting Of Eviction Ban

The number of people presenting to the Clare Homeless Action Team is continuing to rise in the wake of the lifting of the eviction ban.

Two months on, the local authority says there remains continuous demand for Homeless Services, Advice or Support and the
provision of Emergency Accommodation within this region.

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Clare County Council says the lifting of the Winter Eviction Ban on March 31st has resulted in a ricochet effect on the Homeless Action Team, with a noted increase in the number of presentations, queries and matters arising around Notice to Quits.


Between May 19th and June 22nd, 58 new clients presented to the Homeless Action Team, up from 50 the previous month and 30 in April, while there were a further 255 repeat engagements.

The needs and requirements of these presentations varied and included the need of immediate Emergency Accommodation due to Notices to Quit, seeking Homeless HAP Assistance, couch surfing and discharge from Women Refuge services.

Over the same period, there were 4 exits from homeless services to a local authority tenancy, an approved Housing Body Tenancy, residential treatment and hospital, with a further 4 discharged from services.

The Council says that as services and accommodation remains at capacity due to continued demand, a number of individuals remain overstaying with friends or family until a vacancy presents within Emergency Accommodation.

The local authority continues to pursue additional emergency accommodation options, however it says this is proving challenging due to
competing demands for accommodation in the County.
