Referendum: Clare Says Yes But Ireland Says No


The Taoiseach has described today’s defeat of the Seanad referendum as a "wallop".

Almost 52 per cent of the country voted to retain the upper house, against the wishes of the Government.
The referendum to abolish the Seanad has been defeated by 51.73 per cent after a day of close tallies and results.
The country was split, more or less in an East West divide.
Here in Clare the majority of people voted to abolish the Seanad.
There was a 38.6% turn out of people at polling stations yesterday.
The overall result was close in Clare with 51.3% of voters ticking the yes box while 48.6% said no.
But in the end, the strong No vote in the east proved too difficult to overcome.
The Government faces tough questions now following the defeat.
The Taoiseach Enda Kenny has been criticised for failing to take part in a debate on the Seanad.
Meanwhile, the Referendum to establish a new Court of Appeal has been passed.