
Supermacs Ennis Plaza To Proceed As Judicial Review Dismissed

Supermac’s plans for a motorway plaza in Clare can finally be realised after the latest obstacle in a ten-year battle of legal and planning challenges was overcome this morning.

It comes as the Hight Court has dismissed a Judicial Review brought by Kilfenora Engineer Michael Duffy last year.

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Mr Duffy had argued the Appropriate Assessment, which assesses potential adverse effects of projects on Special Areas of Conservation (SCA), lodged with the planning application was flawed and therefore planning permission should not have been granted.

The decision by Justice Holland in the High Court will now pave the way for construction of a new plaza at Junction 12 off the M18 near Kilbreckan, Doora.

It’s anticipated the development will yield 100 jobs during the construction phase and that 120 staff will be employed at the facility thereafter.

Construction is expected to get underway in the coming months and Supermac’s is aiming to complete the project within a year.

The initial cost of the build was €10m when plans were first lodged in 2014, but these costs are now expected to increase significantly due to inflation.

Statement from Supermac’s Managing Director Pat McDonagh

“The Managing Director of Supermac’s Pat McDonagh this morning welcomed the decision of the High Court dismissing the Judicial Review application against the decision of An Bord Pleanala to grant planning permission for his motorway service station on the M18 outside Ennis.

“I would like to thank the in-house team and external consultants who perservered with this project over the last 10 years. I would also like to thank Justice Holland for his detailed judgment that upholds the planning permission granted by Clare County Council and that was upheld by An Bord Pleanála,” he said. “The length of time taken to secure planning permission was regrettable. No gain was achieved from the prolonged process to which planning applications are subjected because of a pointless and costly judicial review roundabout being conducted in a bubble in which a number of applicants for judicial review have become serial lay litigants whose costs are sheltered by guarantee under Section 50b of the Planning Acts.”

Mr McDonagh said he welcomes the limiting of this disincentive to development as provided for in the 2023 Planning Bill.

“This new Plaza at Junction 12 on the M18 Motorway will be a huge boost to economic activity in the Mid West Mr McDonagh said. He said construction will begin as soon as contracts can be awarded, and pre-development planning conditions are met.”

“I determined from the very outset that the benefit for Ennis town and North and West Clare will be emphasised by ensuring that the Plaza will promote the attractiveness of Ennis and the magnificent Clare landscape as important tourist assets in the County.”
