
Survey Of Clare Reveals Unique Insight Into Life In Banner County

A third of people in Clare only socialise twice a year, with cost, distance and transport cited as the main reasons for not socialising more.

A survey of the quality of life in Clare has just been published by Clare County Council, which paints a picture of what it’s like to live in this county.

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Around 1,000 people were questioned as part of the study.

A survey of County Clare, commissioned by the Local Community Development Committee, has given a unique insight into the county’s health well-being and quality of life.

Behaviour and Attitudes Ltd. carried out the study looking at a variety of topics including education, employment and housing to assess life in the Banner County.

In terms of transport, some 69% of people here own a car, with an average of 77,000 journeys made by car every week.

Around half of adults in this county are working, with a further 14% unemployed, unable to work or actively searching for work – while 1 in 5 are retired and around 5% are students.

Almost a quarter of Clare’s adult population consider themselves smokers, while 39% drink alcohol weekly – a figure that rises to 58% for under 25s.

14% of people say they don’t exercise at all and of those that do, some 62% say it’s to keep fit.

In terms of finances, 32% reported a weekly disposable income of less than €500, with a further 23% experiencing financial hardship.

The cost of heat, furnishings and socialising were reported as among the main reasons for this.

67% of people socialise at least once a month, with some 33% only socialising twice a year – while 28% are a member of a club as their social outlet.
