Teen Appears In Court After Been Driven In Car Stolen From Lahinch

Image (c) Pat Flynn

A judge has told a ’baby faced’ 16-year old Limerick city teenager that he might end up dead in a ditch if gets into a stolen car driven by one of his friends who can’t drive this weekend.

At Ennis District Children’s Court, Judge Alec Gabbett made his comment where the teenager was appearing after being charged with allowing himself to be driven in a stolen red BMW A Class at Liscannor Rd car park, Lahinch on July 17th.

Gardai initially objected to bail and sought a remand to the Oberstown Children’s Detention facility in Dublin but the court was told that currently Oberstown has no beds available.


With no bed available at Oberstown, Det Garda Kevin Hooban asked that the teenager be subject to strict bail conditions including a ban from Co Clare and a curfew.

Judge Gabbett said: “What really worries me about this boy if he gets into a car with a Jim or a Mike or a Leroy tomorrow night is that he is going to end up dead.”

He said: “That is the worst case scenario. He might die in one of these cars – these boys probably can’t drive at all.”

Judge Gabbett said that the teen will end up in a car crash and end up in a ditch.

Addressing the teen who was accompanied by his mother, Judge Gabbett told him: “At 16, you have a choice of going one way or the other. Put on your big boy pants here today. This is too serious.”

“You are no longer a baby – you might look like a baby. You are playing a big boys game here today, that is my fear for you.”

He said: “In two years time you could end up in Limerick prison with the big boys and that is not a fun place to be.“You might end up in Oberstown and that is not a not place either.

He said: “I am worried about you. If I had a bed I would send you to Obsertown. I am worried about you taking cars.”

Solicitor for the teen, Tara Godrey said that her client didn’t steal a car and isn’t accused of that. Ms Godfrey said that the boy’s mother was doing her best to get her son out of this particular part of Limerick where they live.

Granting bail on the strict conditions requested by Gardai, Judge Gabbett warned the teen “breach your bail and you are back here. I am trying to protect you”.

 Det Hooban said: “There is a strong trend at the moment in relation to this type of crime. And it appears he has fallen in with the wrong crew.”

Judge Gabbett asked: “Are these four boyos going around Limerick pulling doors off cars every night?”

In reply, Det Hooban said: “It is a lot more than four boyos judge – there seems to be a lot of groups.”

Det Garda Hooban said that the red Mercedes car in the case was reported stolen on July 14th at Portnuma.

Det Hooban said that there was a possibility of further charges.

Judge Gabbett remanded the teen on bail to re-appear before Ennis District Court on September 25th.