Uisce Éireann Assures That Water From Ennistymon Public Supply Is Safe To Drink


Uisce Éireann is assuring customers that water from the Ennistymon Public Water Supply is compliant with regulatory standards and is safe to drink.

It follows recent unease in the area over discolouration, taste and odour issues.

Uisce Éireann has confirmed that following rigorous testing and analysis, the water in the Ennistymon Public Water Supply continues to fully meet chemical and microbiological regulatory standards, and is safe to drink.


It follows concerns raised by locals and community representatives last month, with one Councilor saying he stopped drinking the tap water in his home, due to the supply issues.

Specialist testing of the lake source water for the Ennistymon Public Water Supply has since indicated the presence of algae, which Uisce Éireann has attributed to the recent taste and odour issues, but it’s assuring customers that it’s not harmful to human health.

In a statement to Clare FM, the water utility says all monitoring data and operational updates have been provided to its regulatory stakeholders and that both the HSE and EPA are regularly updated regarding the issue.

It goes on to say that the HSE has also been consulted for health advice, during periods of increased taste and odour reports.

Uisce Éireann is reassuring that while the taste and odour can be unpleasant, drinking water with an earthy or musty taste is typically harmless, and that this taste and odour may be compounded due to changes in raw water characteristics caused by seasonal changes.

It’s also reassuring that where the water utility becomes aware of such issues, a monitoring programme for compounds associated with taste and odour issues gets underway, to ensure that there’s no impact on public health.

Uisce Éireann is advising customers not to drink discoloured water and that in the event of this, running the tap for several minutes will usually restore water to a clear colour, which is then safe to drink.

It’s encouraging customers to report any unresolved issues directly to the Úisce Éireann customer care helpline, which operates on a 24/7 basis.