UL Hospitals Group Facing Calls To End Patient Uncertainty Amid Care Deferrals

Photo (c) Canva.com

Healthcare campaigners are calling for a permanent end to uncertainty surrounding patient care in Clare and the MidWest.

It follows the gradual restoration of outpatient appointments and elective and day surgeries at Ennis, Nenagh, St. Johns, University Hospital Limerick and Croom Orthopedic following three weeks of scheduled care deferrals.


The measure was introduced as part of an “escalation plan” to alleviate overcrowding at UHL and the UL Hospitals Group says the resumption of care is being managed within available resources and is subject to daily review.

Ennis MidWest Hospital Campaign Spokesperson Hillary Tonge has been telling Clare FM’s Daragh Dolan it’s unacceptable that longstanding patient appointments could be cancelled at anytime due to pressure on the Emergency Department.

You can listen to the full interview here: