West Clare Community Urges Govt To Halt “Inhumane” Decision To Remove Ukrainian Refugees

The government has been accused of punishing a West Clare community after a decision ordering newly settled Ukrainian refugees to be removed from their accommodation in the area.

An emergency community meeting will be held in Kilbaha tonight, where the presence of senior Cabinet Ministers has been requested.

It’s claimed the village of Kilbaha has become the poster child for successful integration in Ireland.


Over a year and a half ago, 21 Ukrainians, including six children fled the war torn state and arrived in the village to whats been described as “a rapturous welcome.”

Since 1986, the population of the Loop Head Peninsula has fallen by more than 23%, and the majority of the new arrivals had either commenced employment locally or enrolled in schools.

According to the community, their arrival has had a hugely positive impact and has led to enhanced public transport services, the refurbishment of the community hall and the roll out of courses from the LCETB.

It’s understand last week though, the Ukrainian refugees received a notice from the Department of Integration stating they will be removed from their accommodation by July 11th and will receive 48 hours notice of their new location.

Community Spokesperson Mags Cotter say’s both they and their new friends who’ve been embedded into the livelihoods of the locality have been shaken to the core.

You can listen to the full interview below.


An Emergency meeting will be held in Halla Eoin in Kilbaha at 6pm tonight.

The Loop Head community has requested the presence of Integration Minister Roderic O’Gorman, the Department’s Minister of State Joe O’Brien and Minister for Education Norma Foley.

In an open letter, The community has called on the government to “do an immediate U Turn on the abhorrent and inhumane decision”.

It goes on to state the move “will only serve to further traumatise these individuals and will have a devastating impact on the rural development potential of Loop Head.”