Would A 750 Euro Tax Credit Encourage Young People To Remain In Ireland?

Photo (c) jordan_rusev from Getty via Canva.com

If you are aged 25 and under and considering moving abroad, would a tax credit of €750 persuade you to change your mind and remain in Ireland?

Enterprise Minister Peter Burke had previously said a €750 tax credit should be put in place for young people in a bid to stop them emigrating abroad after they finish college.

Calls are now being made for any such credit to be increased to €5,000 and not €750.


If €750 wouldn’t be enough to convince you not to emigrate, maybe you’d think twice, if it meant being the beneficiary of a tax credit of €5,000?

For more on this, Alan Morrissey was joined by Ruairí Keenan, Former Ennis Independent local election candidate and Mike Taylor, FSAD Head of Policy and former Fine Gael Election Candidate from Kilkee.

You can listen to the full interview below