
Quin Players Drama Group Set To Perform ‘The Field’

On Tuesday’s Morning Focus, Alan was joined by Mike Daffy and Sophie Lennon who are members of the Quin Players drama group. Sophie discussed the upcoming performance the group will stage based on John B Keane’s production ‘The Field’. She discussed the work involved in the production which began in September 2019 which will take place on Sunday 5th and Monday 6th of February. Sophie described the setback the pandemic had on the group and highlighted her excitement for the production to finally go ahead this Sunday. Mike complimented the cast on their efforts in rehearsing and their ability to stick to the task which began a few years ago. The production will take place in St. Fineen’s Hall in Quin village and will begin at 8pm. Tickets can be purchased for €10 and will be available for purchase on the night.

You can listen to the full interview below.

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