Retailers Of Ennis Call For Rates Moratorium Due To Public Realm Disruption


We recently heard on Clare FM News that businesses in Ennis could be facing major challenges this year, particularly in relation to the first phase of the public regeneration works of Ennis Town Centre.

Indeed, retailers themselves are concerned they could face a significant financial hit, as a result of the works.

Retailers are so worried about the potential impact on their businesses, that they believe Clare County Council “should look favourably on any request to put a moratorium on Rates payments for the duration of these works as this would reflect an understanding of the constriction of business that will undoubtedly ensue when the dig commences.”

For more on this, on Wednesday’s Morning Focus, Alan Morrissey was joined by John O’Connor, Chair Retailer of Ennis and Barry O’Driscoll from Precious Pets.

You can listen to the full interview below.