Ukrainian Shares Her Horrifying Story Of Abuse At Hands Of Russian Troops

Picture (c) by Galyna Lunina from Pexels via Canva

More than two years into Russia’s war with Ukraine over 102,000 Ukrainian citizens having been granted temporary protection in Ireland.

One of those Ukrainians living here is Marina. Maryna Kravtsova now lives in Clarecastle, where she works for the Clare Local Development Company.

She was a teacher in Ballakllia when the Russians occupied the city in March of 2022.

Maryna was subsequently detained along with her husband in a Russian barracks where she claims she was subjected to torture for nine days straight, which involved electrocutions and beatings.

Maryna joined Alan Morrisssey on Monday’s Morning Focus to share her story.

Translation by Mariya Nikashanova, a Ukrainian from Irpin who now lives in Ennis.

You can listen to the full interview below.