Success For Ennis Track At National Cross Country Championships


Ennis Track’s senior men’s team scored their first ever team medals at the National Championships

Competing against Ireland’s best athletes, Ennis Track’s team of Dara, Rory and Patrick Chesser, Karl Fitzmaurice and Damien Landers were always at the business end of the race throughout the 10,000 metre course. The course was exceptionally fast, much of it flat but with a few energy-sapping hills

They all finished with tremendous style giving every ounce of energy over the final pull up to the finish line. There was then a long wait while numbers were crunched and breaths held before hearing the wonderful news of an All-Ireland silver

It was a superb achievement for the team and particular kudos to Karl Fitzmaurice who also won the under 23 individual title.

Theirs was not the only success of the day for Ennis Track’s athletes. Running in the U14 girls’ competition, 12-year-old Neasa Ní Ainféin produced a really special performance. She had held third place through most of the 3000 m race and was in 3rd as she turned into the home straight. Unfortunately she was pipped on the line and had to settle for 4th. Watch out for this girl in 2 weeks’ time when she contests the U13 all-Ireland XC.
The U14 boys team proved their class yet again with team golds for both club and county. This same group of boys won gold in 2013 and 2014, silver in 2015, before getting back to their favourite colour this year with a stormer of a race. Though only one of the team (Mark Hanrahan) medalled individually, the team’s close packing towards the front secured them the team title for the 3rd time in 4 years.

At U16, Ben Deasy had a good run, just missing out on an individual medal with his 13th place. Meanwhile, Leah O’Neill in the girls’ U16 had an equally good run to come in 20th place.

The Boys U18 saw no less than 8 Ennis Track athletes toeing the line. A superb race saw the boys take team gold with an individual medal for Patrick O’Rourke in 12 place.
Ennis Track’s Senior and U23 team was made up of Damien Landers, Dara Chesser, Karl Fitzmaurice, Rory and Patrick Chesser. The U18 team comprised Patrick O’Rourke, Conor Devane, Bakhit Khamis Barra, Donal Devane, James Whelan, Mark Fahy, Callum Blake and Ricky Mulcaire.

The U14 team was made up of Mark Hanrahan, Dean and Dylan Casey, Matthew Power, Colin Ryan and Conor Shanahan.
On the back of his U23 win, Karl Fitzmaurice has been chosen to represent Ireland at the European championships in Germany on December 11th in Germany.